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Branding and Customizing Confirmation Pages (Reseller Control Panel)

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This article will outline how to brand and customize the confirmation pages displayed to registrants. 

Brandable Pages

The following registrant pages can currently be branded:

  • ICANN Trade Declined Page - New Registrant End-user Confirmation
  • ICANN Trade Confirmation Page - New Registrant End-user Confirmation
  • ICANN Trade Accepted Page - New Registrant End-user Confirmation
  • ICANN Trade Declined Page - Current Registrant End-user Confirmation
  • ICANN Trade Confirmation Page - Current Registrant End-user Confirmation
  • ICANN Trade Accepted Page - Current Registrant
  • Domain transfer away - Accepted
  • Domain transfer away - Requested
  • Domain transfer away - Declined

Registrant verification and other pages will be available for modification in the future. 

Branding Confirmation Pages

The branding section of the control panels allows you to configure a consistent look between all interfaces.

To modify the colours and images used on confirmation pages:

  1. Login to the Reseller Control Panel
  2. Click on Account Settings in the top right hand corner
  3. Click the Branding tab
  4. Click Edit across from Domain Access Portal Branding 

This page allows you to configure:

  • The URL used for confirmation pages
  • Colours used on the page
  • Avatar and Favicon images

To set the header logo used on confirmation pages:

  1. Login to Reseller Control Panel
  2. Click on Account Settings in the top right hand corner
  3. Click the Branding tab
  4. Click Edit across from General Communication Branding 

Language Settings

During registration, you have the option to specify a messaging language for a domain, via the API or when using the Reseller Control Panel. This setting dictates which language is used for all emails and confirmation pages sent to the registrant. The modify messaging language API call may also be used to set the messaging language on a domain at any time.

If no language is specified, the domain will use the default language set for your reseller account. 

To set the default messaging language:

  1. Login to the Reseller Control Panel
  2. Click on Messaging and Confirmation in the top right hand corner of the page
  3. Click the Settings tab
  4. Click Edit
  5. Specify the language and click Submit

Please note: English may be included on some emails sent as per our ICANN obligations. 

Setting Confirmation Pages Letterhead

Letterhead is automatically included in every confirmation page and is great for defining global elements. Editing the letterhead will affect every confirmation page in that language.

To modify the letterhead of a language:

  1. Login to the Reseller Control Panel
  2. Click on Messaging and Confirmation in the top right hand corner of the page
  3. Click the Confirmation Letterhead tab
  4. Click on the language you wish to edit, or click the + button to set a new language letterhead
  5. Customize the letterhead as desired and click Apply

Editing Confirmation Pages

  1. Login to the Reseller Control Panel
  2. Click on Messaging and Confirmation in the top right hand corner of the page
  3. Click the Confirmation Pages tab
  4. Navigate to the page you wish to edit and click the language to start editing
  5. Customize the page as desired and click Create and Publish

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