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Setting autoresponder for a mailbox

The autoresponder feature sends an automatic response to incoming messages for a mailbox. When autoresponder is set up on a mailbox, email responses are sent automatically to the sender based on rules and intervals that you define. Autoresponder can be set up via the Reseller Control Panel or the Mail Administration Console (MAC). End users also can setup autoresponse text in the webmail.

Setting an autoresponder message in the Control Panel

  1. Log in to the Reseller Control Panel.
  2. In the Email section of the Control Panel, navigate to the user you want to modify and click the user name.
  3. Under the User Settings tab in the Sending & Receiving section, click Edit.

  4. Click the checkbox next to Autoresponder enabled.
  5. Enter the text of the auto-response message in the Autoresponder Text field.

  6. In the Interval field, enter the number of days before the same recipient will receive the auto-response message again.
    Note: If not specified, the interval defaults to one day.
  7. Enter the last day when the auto-response message is in effect in the End Date field. The required format is YYYY-MM-DD.
  8. Click Save.

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Setting an autoresponder message in the MAC

  1. Log in to the Mail Administration Console (MAC) and select Users from the left-hand menu.
  2. Locate the user that you want to edit and select the user name.
  3. In the Autoresponder section, enter the text of the auto-response message in the text field.
  4. In the Interval field, enter the number of days before the same recipient will receive the auto-response message again.
    Note: If not specified, the interval defaults to one day.
  5. In the End Date field, enter the last day/time when the auto-response message is in effect. The required format is YYYY-MM-DD. If not specified, the Autoresponder never expires.
  6. Click Update from the bottom.

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