Creating a DNS Template in Storefront Manager

A DNS Template is a set of DNS records to be automatically applied to new domain registrations.

You can create and apply a DNS template to any new domain registrations under your Storefront. For instance, if you wish all new domain registrations in your Storefront to have a particular CNAME record, you can achieve this using a DNS template.

Creating and activating a DNS template

DNS templates can be created and applied to new domain registrations. For a DNS template to be active, your Storefront must use Storefront nameservers.

  1. Log into Storefront Manager.
  2. Select the Account icon followed by Storefront Settings.
    Storefront settings menu.png
  3. Click Domain Defaults.
    domain defaults.png
  4. Click on Create Template in the DNS template section at the bottom of the page.
    create template.png
  5. Enter a template name and hit + Add Record.
    add record.png
  6. Fill in the desired record and hit Add Record to template.
    add recod to template.png
    DNS record fields Function
    Type Supported record types:
    • A
    • AAAA
    • CNAME
    • MX
    • SRV
    • TXT
    Hostname The hostname of your DNS record.
    IP Address The Internet Protocol address (IP address) of your record.
    TTL Time to Live (TTL) determines record validity and updates propagation time for users.
  7. From the DNS template menu, you can fully manage records that have been added.
    dns template full.png
    DNS record tools Function
    Edit Edit the existing record.
    Remove Remove the record from the template.
  8. Clicking Save Changes will immediately activate your DNS template for new domain registrations. 
    Note: Our Storefront nameservers must be used for the DNS template to be active.
    DNS template tools Function
    Automatically apply this template to new domain registrations. Enable this toggle to apply the current DNS template to all new domain registrations. Note: When disabled, the template will be inactive and not apply to new registrations.
    Save Changes Save the template.
    Delete Delete the template.
  9. The saved DNS template will show an active/inactive status based on the toggle.
    Note: Our Storefront nameservers must be used for the DNS template to be active.
    template active.png

    DNS template Function


    Edit Template

    Edit the saved template.
    • Activate to apply the template to new domain registrations.
    • Deactivate to stop applying the template to new domain registrations.

Troubleshooting a DNS template

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