Managing Customers with Storefront

You can view and manage your customers in Storefront. The Customers tab displays a list of your customers and their last login date.

Managing customers

  1. Log into Storefront.
  2. Select the Customers tab.
    customers tab.png
  3. A list of your customers is displayed with their last log-in date.  For a detailed view, click the customer name.
    customers overview.png
  4. After selecting a customer to view, Storefront provides tools to help manage your customers.
    Customer toolsFunction
    Customer detailsContact details and password information can be found and updated here.
    DomainsA list of the customer's domains along with their status.
    Event logA list of changes made to this customer's account.
    Login as customerLog in to this customer's account.
    customer detailed view.png

Searching for a customer

You can search for specific customers using keywords in Storefront.

  1. Log into Storefront.
  2. Select the Customers tab.
    customers tab.png
  3. Type in your customer name in the search field.
    customers search.png

Customer details

  1. Log into Storefront.
  2. Select the Customers tab.
    customers tab.png
  3. A list of your customers is displayed with their last log-in date.  For a detailed view, click the customer name.
    customers overview.png
  4. A list of your customers is displayed with their last log-in date.  For a detailed view, click the customer name.
    customers overview.png
  5. Upon selecting a customer, the customer details page is displayed.  Here, you can update the email address password, log in as the customer, and change the account status. customer details.png

Customer domains

  1. Log into Storefront.
  2. Select the Customers tab.
    customers tab.png
  3. A list of your customers is displayed with their last log-in date.  For a detailed view, click the customer name.
    customers overview.png
  4. A list of your customers is displayed with their last log-in date.  For a detailed view, click the customer name.
    customers overview.png
  5. Click Domains to bring up a list of the customer's domains.  Select a Domain name to view its details.
    customer domains.png
  6. The domain details tab provides information 
    domain details.png

Event Log

  1. Log into Storefront.
  2. Select the Customers tab.
    customers tab.png
  3. A list of your customers is displayed with their last log-in date.  For a detailed view, click the customer name.
    customers overview.png
  4. Click Event log.  The event log displays any customer activity within their account.
    customer event log.png

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