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Cancelling a reseller account

Follow our cancellation process to remove domains from your account and update your address. We return the remaining funds via cheque. Once services are removed, and the address is correct, contact support for account closure.
Note: Please get in touch with support so we can work to help find a solution for your business before you decide to cancel your account.

Update contact details

Updating your contact information ensures that the latest details on file are valid to receive a cheque at the correct address.

Updating tech contact information

  1. Log in to the RWI.
  2. Select Tech contact information from the profile management section at the bottom of the page.Tech_contact_update.JPG
  3. Ensure name, address, phone number, and email are up to date.Reseller_modification_form.JPG
  4. Click on Save changes at the bottom of the page.Update_tech_information.JPG

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Updating reseller contact information

    1. Log in to the RWI.
    2. Select Reseller contact information from the profile management section.Classic_control_panel.JPG
    3. Verify or update your address from the mailing address information section. Mailing_information_update.JPG
    4. Select Save changes at the bottom of the page. Save_changes_classic_control_panel.JPG

Remove remaining services

Removing active products ensures we don't charge for future service on your account and that registrants will not need your assistance. 
Note: The .adm accounts are management users; they are not mailboxes.

Resellers are responsible for transferring any domains to a different reseller or registrar. Domains set to expire status delete automatically once their lifecycle ends
Important: Accounts cannot be closed with active domains. Transfer away all active domains to close your account immediately. 

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