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SSL validation support

Getting SSL orders validated is essential to have an active certificate for your websites. OpenSRS has numerous SSL vendors that provide multiple types of SSL certificates depending on your security needs.

SSL vendors

Note: Depending on the type of SSL certificate you have ordered, all three types of validation might not be available.

Vendors Types of validation methods offered
Digicert Email, DNS validation, file validation
Trustwave Email
Thawte Email, DNS validation
Geotrust (RapidSSL) Email, DNS validation, file validation
Sectigo  Email, CNAME validation, file validation

Changing validation methods

If the edit option on the domain validation tab to change the validation method is not showing, you will have to contact OpenSRS so we can change the validation method manually.

It can take up to 10 minutes for the validation email to be resent and the vendor to validate your SSL order once requested. If it has been more than 10 minutes, don't hesitate to contact us so we can take a further look at the delay.

  1. Go to the control panel and find the SSL order by selecting the Trust tab.trust_tab_RCP.JPG
  2. Select the SSL order, go to the domain validation tab, and select Edit, located in the top right corner. domain_validation_email2.jpg
  3. You will see a prompt and the available validation methods for your SSL order.SSL_validation_option.JPG
  4. If DNS or file option is chosen, the DNS record to be added will show in the domain validation tab.SSL_validation_DNS2.jpg
  5. If file validation is chosen, there will be a link to download the txt record to be added.SSL_validation_file_txt2.jpg
  6. To resend the validation email, go to the top right corner and select the Actions tab. You should see the Resend approve email option.Screenshot__3_.png

SSL order statuses

Order - Pending The submitted SSL order is pending to be created by the vendor.
Order - Awaiting Approval SSL order is awaiting to be validated.
Order - Completed SSL order has been validated.
Order - Declined SSL order has been declined 
Product - Renewed The previous SSL certificate has been renewed.
Product - Active SSL certificate has been issued by the vendor and is fully active.
Product - Expired The current SSL certificate has expired and is no longer active.
Product - Revoked The SSL order has been cancelled and is no longer valid.

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