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How to use the email migration tool

The migrate company admins, and domain admins can use tools to download mail from remote servers into existing email accounts. It preserves subfolders and keeps the original dates of the email messages. If a message already exists in the destination account, it does not duplicate it.

Things to consider before migration

  • Ensure to review and complete preparation before email migration.
  • Migration can be used for IMAP4, IMAP4S, POP3, and POP3S accounts; however, for POP3 accounts, only mail in the Inbox is migrated.
  • We recommend that you migrate no more than 500 mailboxes at a time; if you need to migrate more than 500, you should do it in multiple batches.

Migrating mail via the Control Panel

  1. In the Email section of the Control Panel, click the Email domains tab.
  2. Click the domain you want to modify, and then click the Bulk tools tab.
  3. Under Operation Type, select Migrate users.
  4. Complete the fields as follows:
    Migrate users

    Job Name—Enter a unique job name. A system-generated numeric name will be used in this field if left blank.

    Source server

    Server Hostname—The hostname or IP address from which you are migrating mail.

    Server Protocol—From the drop-down list, choose the mail retrieval protocol that will be used to migrate the user messages.
    If you choose Auto, the system will migrate the Inbox via POP3 and other folders via IMAP4. If you have POP users, you should choose Auto.
    The Inbox will migrate more quickly with IMAP4 than POP3, so we recommend you submit the POP3 users in one job using Auto and the other users in another using IMAP4.

    Server Ports—The ports to which you will be connecting.
    For Auto, the ports are POP3, POP3s, IMAP4, and IMAP4s. Set this value to 0 to disable the protocol; for the others, use a single port.
    Click the plus sign at the bottom of the list to add additional ports.

    Folders Folders to Skip—Specify any folders you want to ignore while migrating.

    Note: This section is optional and doesn't apply to POP3 users as folders are not migrated from POP3.

    Translate Folder Name—Enter the source and destination folder names if they are not the same. Click the plus sign at the bottom of the list to display additional fields.


    List of users and passwords—Enter a delimited list of the source and destination users and passwords. Use the format source_username,source_password[,local_username]
    If the usernames contain commas, use something else as a delimiter.

  5. Click Submit.

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Migrating mail via the MAC

  1. Log in to the Mail Administration Console (MAC).
  2. In the navigation pane, under tools, click Migrate.
  3. Select the New migration tab.
  4. Complete the following fields, as applicable.
    Job name Enter a unique job name. If it is left blank, a system-generated numeric name will be used in this field.
    Protocol Choose the mail retrieval protocol from the drop-down list that will be used to migrate the user messages.
    If you choose Auto, the system will migrate the Inbox via POP3 and other folders via IMAP4. If you have POP users, you should choose Auto.
    The INBOX will migrate more quickly with IMAP4 than POP3, so we recommend that you submit the POP3 users in one job using Auto and submit the other users in another job using IMAP4.
    Server The hostname or IP address from which you are migrating mail.
    Ports The ports to which you will be connecting.
    For Auto, the ports are POP3, POP3s, IMAP4, and IMAP4s. Set this value to 0 to disable the protocol; use a single port for the others.
    Skip Specify any folders that you want to ignore while migrating. Enter each one on a separate line.
    Note: This field is optional and doesn't apply to POP3 users as folders are not migrated from POP3.
    Translate A list of the source and destination folder names, if they are not the same.
    Put each corresponding pair on a separate line, and separate the source and the destination names by commas (source folder, destination folder). If your folder names contain commas, use something else as an eliminator, such as a colon.
    Users A list of source and destination users and passwords.
    Use the format username,password[,local_username]
    • username—The source username.
    • password—The source user's password.
    • local_username—The destination username. If not provided, "username" will be used.

    If the usernames contain commas, use something else as a delimiter.

  5. Click Migrate.

Additionally, you can click the Results tab to view the migration process as it happens. Color coding allows you to see each account as it is processed and see whether the migration was successful. You do not have to stay on this page while the migration runs.

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Downloading migration logs

To download the logs of migrations that have been processed.

  1. Log in to the MAC and select Migrate under the Tools bar.
  2. Select Results and click on the email you would like to get the logs.Email_migration_test1.jpg
  3. You should see a prompt, and at the bottom, select Download log.Download_migration_logs.JPG

A text file will be downloaded, showing whether the migration was successful, failed, or which email folders could be migrated successfully.



Common migration error messages

Error messages Reason for error
Error fetching UID timed out on fetch An error from the server where the email is migration originated. Try again when the issue is cleared or wait 24-48 hours.
Socket came disconnected The server did not send a ping within the ping interval or ping timeout range.
Error: timed out during read Sever is taking too long to respond and send information.
Error connecting for with imap4s: login failed [NO - LOGIN failed.] Incorrect email, username, or password have been provided.

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