SSL certificate requirement updates

There are some upcoming changes to the Digicert, Geotrust, Thawte, and RapidSSL SSL certificates we offer on October 13, 2020. We’ve done our best to accommodate them in a way that minimizes the impact on your business. Wherever possible, we’ve made our API adjustments backward compatible.

If you submit more contact details than necessary, we will process and retain a record of the contact details required for the registration.

Note: For OV and EV certificates, the organization contact details are expanded to include first name, last name, and email. If any of these elements are missing, they will be copied over from the admin contact.

Requires three contacts:

  • Admin
  • Billing
  • Tech

Several also require organization contact (for example, ssl123).

Requires four contacts:

  • Organization
  • Admin
  • Billing
  • Tech

Requires four contacts:

  • Organization
  • Admin
  • Billing
  • Tech

Requires four contacts:

  • Organization
  • Admin
  • Billing
  • Tech

Certificate typeCurrent contact requirementsUpdated contact requirementsThings to note
Domain Validation (DV)Only Admin contact is required.Only admin contact is returned from query order response. Any additional contacts fo not get saved.
Organization Validation (OV)

Only organization contact is required but requires specific fields:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
Only organization contact gets saved, and only organization contact is returned from the query order response.
Extended Validation (EV)

Requires two contacts:

  • Organization
  • Signer
Only organization and signer contacts get saved, and only organization and signer contacts are returned from query order response.
Code Signing Certificates

Only organization contact is required but requires specific fields:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
Only organization contact gets saved, and only organization contact is returned from the query order response.


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