This guide will walk you through the process of setting up new messaging, allowing you to design message templates with customized branding and content.

To ease the transition from the old platform, we've created a comprehensive message mapping that outlines what templates were consolidated, deleted or added.

We’ll start with how to create and edit your letterheads and snippets, which serve as the building blocks of your messages.

Once you are familiar with these basic tools, we’ll explore the various options available to you in the main Messages tab.

When you're happy with your customized messages, you can make the switch to new Messaging. In addition to this guide, we have created a video tutorial that provides a visual overview of how to set up your OpenSRS Messaging Platform.


Here's a complete list of what we'll cover in this guide:


What’s different: Message mapping

This section will explain which templates from the old messaging platform have been renamed or consolidated. With improvements to the user interface, some templates have been made obsolete.

Message templates that have been renamed

New NameOld Name
.AU Autorenewal notification 60 days prior to expiryAutorenewal notification for .au TLDs 60 days prior to the anniversary date
Transfer Declined by Losing RegistrarTransfer AWAY Declined by Losing Registrar to EU
Approval for Opt-in of Domains to Listing ServiceApproval for Opt-in of Domains to Afternic DLS
Registrant renewal reminder 30 days before expiry (gTLD mandatory)Renewal reminder for end-user 30 days before expiry (gTLD mandatory)
Registrant renewal reminder 5 days before expiry (gTLD mandatory)Renewal reminder for end-user 5 days before expiry (gTLD mandatory)
Registrant renewal reminder 60 days before expiryRenewal reminder for end-user 60 days before expiry
Registrant renewal reminder 90 days before expiryRenewal reminder for end-user 90 days before expiry
Registrant renewal reminder 10 days after expiryRenewal reminder for end-user 10 days after expiry
Registrant renewal reminder 3 days after expiry (gTLD mandatory)Renewal reminder for end-user 3 days after expiry (gTLD mandatory)
Contact Modification ReportDomains Contact Modification Report to EU
Domain Whois Privacy Modification ReportDomains Whois Privacy Modification Report to EU
Registrant verification status reportRegistrant validation message to RSP
Registrant verification suspension message to domain holderRegistrant validation suspension message to the registered domain holder
UK Verification Email to Registrant Upon Registration or Update (single domain)UK Email to Registrant Upon New Purchase, Update or Explicit Resend of Verification Email (single domain)
UK Verification Email to Registrant (multiple domain names)UK Email to Registrant includes Multiple names During Validation Process (Based on Fingerprint)
UK Verification suspension email (single domain - day 30)UK validation suspension message for domain (Day 30)
Domain Renewal ConfirmationDomain Renewal Successful Confirmation (Reseller)
ACH payment returnedMessage to reseller when ACH request is rejected
ACH payment cannot be processedMessage to reseller when ACH payment cannot be processed [Max 3 day ACH]
ACH minimum account balance threshold is reachedMessage to reseller when ACH minimum account balance threshold is reached
.UK Domain Tag Change ConfirmationConfirmation of Domain Tag change away, to RSP
Incoming Transfer ConfirmedRSP to RSP Transfer is accepted by OpenSRS, to end-user
Incoming Transfer Approved By RegistrantIncoming Transfer Approved By Admin Contact (Gaining Reseller)
Outgoing Transfer Accepted By RegistrantOutgoing Transfer Accepted By Administrative Contact (End-User)
Outgoing Transfer AcceptedOutgoing Transfer Accepted By Administrative Contact (Losing Reseller)
Outgoing Transfer Automatically AcceptedOutgoing Transfer AutoACK (Accepted) (End-User)
Outgoing Transfer Automatically CompletedOutgoing Transfer AutoACK (Accepted) (Losing Reseller)
Outgoing Transfer Away Declined By RegistrantOutgoing Transfer Away Declined By Admin Contact (End-User)
Outgoing Transfer Failure Due To Rejection By Registrant (Losing Reseller)Outgoing Transfer Failure Due To Rejection By Admin Contact (Losing Reseller)
Incoming Transfer Rejected By RegistrantIncoming Transfer Failure Due to Rejection By Admin Contact (End-User) (RSP2RSP)
Incoming Transfer Failure - Rejected by RegistrantIncoming Transfer Failure Due To Rejection By Admin Contact (Gaining Reseller)
Incoming Transfer Cancelled By Current RegistrarIncoming Transfer Failure Due to Cancellation By Current Registrar (End-User)
Incoming Transfer Failure - Registrar Cancellation (Gaining Reseller)

Outgoing Transfer Failure Due to Rejection By Current Registrar (Gaining Reseller)

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Templates that have been consolidated

Can't find the template that you need? Look for the old template name in the left column. In the right column, you will find the new template name or action that can be used for the same purposes.

Old TemplateNew Template NameNew Function
Transfer completed notice to gaining reseller-Transfer completion notices can now be managed through Event Notifications under the Account Settings tab in the Reseller Control Panel.
Reseller order failure-An alert is now displayed in the Reseller Control Panel at the time of failure.
ACH minimum account balance errorACH maximum of 3 days error-
Reseller ACH Payment Failed - ReturnedACH Payment Failed - Rejected-




What is a letterhead?

A letterhead is the standard header and footer that are applied to every message you send within a specific language.

They can help you:

  • Define global elements
  • Customize the look and feel of your branded message templates 

How do I create a letterhead?

From the Letterheads tab: 

  1. Click the + option to the left of the search bar.
  2. Select the Language for which you want to create a letterhead.
    Note: You can only design one letterhead per language, as they are global for each language.
  3. Enter your source code. Paste {{CONTENT}} between the end of your header and beginning of your footer. Insert branding variables into your code by selecting from the drop-down menu and clicking Add.
    Please reference branding variables to determine if the variable you wish to add needs to wrapped in HTML.
  4. Click Apply, in the bottom right corner of the editor, to create your letterhead. 

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How do I edit a letterhead?

Note: Editing the letterhead will affect every message in that language.

From the Letterheads tab:

  1. Click on the Language you wish to edit.
  2. Edit your source code. Insert branding variables into your code by selecting from the drop-down menu and clicking Add.
  3. Click Apply in the bottom right corner of the editor to apply your changes.

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What is a snippet?

A snippet is a custom body of HTML you can drag and drop into your message templates.

Snippets are language-specific. For example, a snippet created in English can be added to any English language template, but will not be available in other language templates.

They are great for including:

  • Greetings
  • Closings
  • Frequently referenced information

How do I create a snippet?

From the snippet tab:

  1. Click the + option to the left of the search bar.
  2. Name your snippet. Choose a name that is relevant and memorable to ensure you can easily locate this snippet as your list of snippets grows.
  3. Select the language. Once created, the snippet will appear as an optional feature to be dragged and dropped into any message template within this language.
  4. Create your content. You can write and tailor the content of your snippet using the standard formatting options available in the toolbar.
  5. Add branding variables (Optional). You have the option to insert branding variables into your code by selecting from the drop-down menu and clicking Add.
  6. When you’re happy with your snippet, click the Save option in the bottom right corner of the editor tool.

Looking to further stylize your snippet?

  1. You can leave the available WYSIWYG formatting options behind and venture into Edit source <> mode. You'll find this option on the right, just above the content field.
  2. In Edit Source mode <>, you still have the ability to insert branding variables, and can also choose to wrap them in HTML or CSS code.
  3. Hit Save to update save your changes. 

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How do I edit a snippet?

Note: Edits made to a snippet will affect every message that it is attached to.

From the snippet tab:

  1. Click on the Name of the snippet you wish to edit.
  2. Edit your content. You can write and tailor the content of your snippet using the standard formatting options available in the toolbar.
  3. Add branding variables (Optional).
  4. When you are happy with your changes, hit Save.

How do I delete a snippet?

Note: You cannot delete a snippet that is in use. You will be notified what specific messages it is currently applied to if you attempt to delete a snippet that is in use.

From the snippet tab:

  1. Click on the Name of the snippet you wish to delete.
  2. Click the Delete option, located next to Save, in the bottom right corner of the editor tool.

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How do I add a snippet to a template?

Once created in the snippets tab, the snippet will be displayed on the right-hand side of each message template under Global snippets.

From here, simply drag and drop the snippet into your Basic layout.

To remove a snippet, simply hit Delete or drag and drop it to the right-hand side.

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For your convenience, we have provided ready-to-use templates for all messages. You can customize them, or translate them to other languages, as you like.

From the Messages tab, you can manage your existing templates and create new templates in various languages.

The default language for all message templates is English.

How do I manage my existing templates?

Search tip

Select the advanced option to the right of the search bar to filter your results by categories that pertain to your needs.

Controlling which messages are sent out

Use the toggle switch in the far right column to enable or disable a template, allowing or preventing the message from being sent automatically.

Note: Mandatory messages cannot be disabled.

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How do I customize a message template?

For those of you who wish to edit the source code directly, we’ve provided an advanced mode option.

Most users will customize their messages in the basic layout. Here you can use the WYSIWYG features to:

  • Add snippets
  • Change the order and content of your different HTML sections

Customize your message content

From the Language templates, click on the template you wish to edit.

Using snippets

To add a snippet:

  • Drag and drop the snippet from the Global snippets section on the right to the Basic layout section on the left.

To remove a snippet:

  • Drag and drop it back to Global snippets or hit Delete.

To edit a section:

  1. Hover over the section of content you wish to edit.
  2. Click on the Edit option that appears in the top right corner of the section.
  3. Edit your content. You can write and tailor your content using the standard formatting options available in the toolbar.
  4. Add a message and branding variables (Optional). Insert variables into your code by selecting from the drop-down menus provided and clicking Add.

To delete a section:

  1. Hover over the section of content you wish to edit and hit Delete.
  2. Alternatively, drag and drop the section to the right-hand side.

Note: The deleted section be stored under new sections heading above your snippets on the right-hand side. 

Looking to further stylize your section?

  • You can leave the available WYSIWYG formatting options behind and venture into Edit source <> mode.
  • You'll find this option on the right, just above the content field.
  • In Edit Source mode, you still have the ability to insert branding variables, and can also choose to wrap them in HTML or CSS code.
  • Hit Save to update your content.

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Required Sections

Some sections are required by ICANN or the registries, and are therefore non-modifiable, and cannot be deleted. Required sections will always be displayed in English.

Want to display a required section in another language?

  • The best solution is to create a snippet with a translation. This snippet can be dragged and dropped to follow or precede the default English version.

Want to add to a required section?

  • Supplement a required section by adding a snippet directly before or after it.

Advanced Mode

Advanced mode allows you to edit the source code itself, meaning that the basic WYSIWYG features do not exist.

In Advanced mode:

  • You still have message and branding variables drop-down menus.
  • You do not have access to the WYSIWYG Smart chart editor.

Note: If you later choose to switch back to basic mode, any changes or updates you have made in advanced mode will be lost. 

By switching to advanced mode, you are agreeing to take full responsibility for the content of your emails. This includes, but is not limited to ensuring that:

  • ICANN required sections are present
  • HTML code is properly formatted
  • All text is in a readable format

Note: Message templates that have Subreseller listed as the recipient do not have an Advanced Mode option.

Customizing your message details

Under Message Details, you can choose your basic email header details, including:

  • From Address
  • CC Address
  • Reply-to Address
  • From Name
  • Subject
  • To Name

There are two ways to input information into these fields:

  1. Manually type your information into the appropriate field.
  2. Click the + option to the right of any field to select from a drop-down list of message variables.

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How do I create a message template in a new language?

  1. Hover over the Language templates columnLAN2.png
  2. Select the Add language option that appears. There are two options available. Select English from the language to duplicate from the drop-down menu to continue with the default option or select the template version you wish to copy from the language to duplicate from the drop-down menu. For example, English (Custom).
  3. Select your destination language from the Language to duplicate to the drop-down menu.
  4. Once you have selected to and from options, press Submit at the bottom to view and further customize your new language template.

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Language Controls

How does the platform select which language version to send out?

There is a simple language hierarchy that determines the language in which any given message will be sent out:

How do I set the preferred or default language for a domain?

From the reseller control panel homepage:

  1. Select Domains.
  2. Select the domain for which you wish to set a default language.
  3. Scroll down to Messaging language and select Edit in the top right corner.
  4. Select the registrant's preferred language from the drop-down menu and hit Submit.

How do I set the preferred or default language for a sub-reseller?

From new messaging:

  1. Select the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll to the Default language heading and select the Edit option in the top right corner.
  3. Select the registrant's preferred language from the drop-down menu and hit Submit.

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Smart charts

What is a smart chart?

A smart chart allows you to display dynamically generated data in an easy-to-view table format. It generates a list of items and their properties.

The properties you choose to display determine the columns of your chart. Each row of the chart will auto-populate with property values for each row of data.

A smart chart will appear automatically in the Basic layout section of any message template that has a smart chart option.

Here’s an example:

Note: Only the first row of data will appear in the message template. To see a complete version of your chart that includes all rows of data, we recommend you send a test email.

How do I create a new smart chart?

  1. Hover over the section of Basic layout that contains the smart chart.
  2. Click the Edit option that appears in the top right corner of the section.
  3. Click on the Create smart chartoption to open the chart editor. From here you have multiple options to control the content of your chart:
    • Set or modify a Property name using the dropdown menu
    • Determine the headings for each column of your chart by creating a Display name for each property
    • Delete a property column from your chart by clicking the Remove option to the right of Display name
    • Add a property column to your chart by clicking the Add property option below the Property names

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How do I edit a smart chart?

  1. Hover over the section of Basic layout that contains the smart chart.
  2. Click the Edit option in the section's top right corner.
  3. Click on the smart chart to open the chart editor tool.

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Adding variables

The chart below lists all variables and their descriptions.

Branding variables

These variables are modifiable and will auto-populate with your unique branding elements.



How to Edit


Customer-facing logo URL.


1. Click on the gear icon at the top right corner of the Reseller Control Panel.

2. Select Account Settings from the drop-down menu.

3. Click on the Branding tab.

4. Click the Edit option in the top right corner of General Communication Branding.

5. Select Customize Logo option and click Change Image.

This will prompt you to select and upload your file.

6. Click Submit to apply the changes you've made.

{{global_manage_url}}URL to the end-user domain control panel.

We've provided this variable as a means for you to easily insert the link to your End User Management Portal into your messages.

At this time, the link setting cannot be modified.

{{global_rcp_url}}URL to the reseller control panel.

1. Click on the gear icon at the top right corner of the Reseller Control Panel.

2. Select Account Settings from the drop-down menu.

3. Click on the Sub-Reseller tab.

4. Click the Edit option in the top right corner of Control Panel Links.

5. Select your preferred URL option and enter the domain in the appropriate field.

{{global_branding_customer_support_email}}Your customer support email address, intended for use by your customers or sub-resellers.

1. Click the Domains option in the Reseller control panel main menu.

2. Click on the Settings tab.

3. Scroll down to Manage End-User Contact Settings and click the Edit option in the top right corner.

3. Enter your customer support email address in the Technical Support Email Address field.

4. Click Save Settings to apply any changes.


Please note: If you do not enter an email address in this field, the variable will instead populate with the email provided in your Technical Contact Email field. To modify this email address, head to Default Settings for New Domains, the first section in your Settings tab. (RCP Main Menu>Domains>Settings>Default Settings for New Domains).


Important: Any changes made to the information in Default Settings for New Domains will be reflected in the whois of any domains purchased thereafter. You always have the option to manually configure your whois information if you don't want to display that found in Default Settings for New Domains.

Registrar variables

These variables will auto-populate with information pertaining to the registrar and cannot be modified.


Customer support email address for your customers.


Customer support email address for your resellers.


Legal name of this company.


Official product name (short form).


Official product name (long form).


End-user support FAQ URL.




Transfer support address.


Reseller support name.


Transfer confirmation URL.


Invoice receipt address (deprecated).


Admin support email address.


Transfer-away FOA email address.


Transfer-in FOA email address.


Payment department email address.




Reseller tech contact email address.



Branded OpenSRS email address.

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Message variables

The matrix that determines the various messaging variables is complex. Because of this, the best way to determine the exact value of a messaging variable is to send a test email.

Making the switch to new Messaging

When you are happy with your customized templates and wish to switch over to the new platform:

  1. Head to the Settings tab.
  2. Click the Edit option on the right-hand side of the Enable new messaging heading.
  3. Use the toggle switch to Turn new messaging on.
  4. Select the Submit option in the bottom right corner.

Note: New messaging must remain off if you wish to continue sending messages through the old infrastructure.

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