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Manage your sub-reseller control panel (OpenSRS Control panel)

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You can use the OpenSRS Reseller Control panel to manage the components of your sub-resellers control panel easily. To begin, click the Account settings tab at the top right of the control panel and then click the Sub-reseller tab. There are three sections for the Sub-reseller tab.

Control panel links

In the Control panel links section, you can set the URLs for the Classic reseller interface and the Control panel for your sub-resellers.

  1. Click Edit next to Control panel links to begin.
  2. Select from the following options for your control panel URL:
    • Default URL
    • Branded OpenSRS Subdomain
    • Subdomain based on the generic domain name
  3. Click Submit.

If you want to set up a custom URL for your control panel, please contact OpenSRS support. Setting up a custom URL would cost $199 and involves a manual process that cannot be done through the control panel. The pricing includes a three year Thawte SSL 123 certificate. After three years, if you would still like to continue, the certificate can be renewed at a price listed at that time on our SSL pricing page. There will not be other fees associated with the custom sub-reseller login URL. Please keep in mind that the pricing policy might change in the future.

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Control panel dashboard content

In the Control panel dashboard content section, you can set the content of the dashboard that your sub-resellers will see upon login. If none of the elements are enabled, they will show up as "Hide" on the Sub-reseller page. As you make changes, they are displayed in the preview.

  1. Click Edit next to Control panel dashboard content to begin.
  2. Enable Welcome text. If the welcome text setting is enabled, you must enter text in the provided field.
    Note: Text in this field cannot be formatted, and line breaks cannot be added.
  3. Enable the Quick search box.
  4. Enable the News & updates feed. If enabled, you must enter values in the Newsfeed URL and Newsfeed title fields.
  5. Enable Account balance.
  6. Enable the Upcoming maintenance feed. If enabled, you must enter a value in the Upcoming maintenance URL field.
  7. Click Submit to save your customizations.

When you have enabled the various fields, it will be displayed on the Sub-reseller page.

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Control panel header customization

In the Control panel header customization section, you can set colors and text on the header of your sub-resellers control panel dashboard. The default colors will be OpenSRS branded colors. As you make customizations, they are reflected in the preview pane.
  1. Click Edit next to Control panel header customization to begin.
  2. Enter the Company title that you want to appear on the header. If you don't want a company name in the header, enter a space in that text field.
  3. Enter the Tag line or description of your dashboard (e.g., dashboard, portal, control panel). If you don't want a tag line in the header, enter a space in that text field.
  4. Edit any header color by clicking the color square next to the field that you want to edit and select a color using any of the following methods:
    • The picker
    • Entering RGB values
    • Entering HSB values
    • Entering a hexadecimal value
  5. Click Select to set the chosen color.
  6. Click Submit to save changes. To return to OpenSRS brand colors, click Default colors.

When you have enabled the various fields, it will be displayed on the main branding tab page.  

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