Set user management and permission profiles

Your OpenSRS Control Panel now allows you to add and edit user accounts as well as permission profiles, which control the functions enabled for those users.  In addition, if you have access to multiple brands, the permissions can be granted per brand.

We recommend that you configure permission profiles prior to setting up users.

User and permission management is not possible via the API; an API user is deemed to be a superuser, with unlimited permissions for the reseller account.

To begin adding or editing users and permission profiles, click the gear icon on the top right of the control panel and then Account Settings.

Permission Profiles

Your account has a number of default permission profiles that will be marked as Preset under the Type column. Click the profile name to see the permissions assigned to that profile. Preset profiles cannot be edited or deleted, but they can be copied if you wish to create a custom profile based on the preset one.

To add a permission profile:

1. Click the '+'-button just above the list of profiles. This will open a window.


2. Enter the name of the new profile, select the profile you would like to base it on, and click Add.

3. In the editing interface, click the checkboxes to add different permissions. Click the Permissions checkbox to quickly add or clear all permissions.


4. Click the category links (e.g. Messaging) to expand each category and see individual permissions. Click the main category checkbox to quickly add or clear all permissions within that category.

5. When you've set all your permissions, click Save in the bottom right hand corner.

Added profiles will be marked as Custom under the Type column and can also be copied, edited or deleted.

If you are viewing a profile and want to go back to the full list of permission profiles, click the Permission Profiles breadcrumb in the top left corner of the page.

User Management

To manage user accounts, click the Manage Users tab.

To add a user:

1. Click the '+'-button just above the list of profiles.

2. Enter the following details for the user:

  • username
  • first name
  • last name
  • email address (must be unique and not used on any other user profile)
  • password (must be at least 10 characters)
  • choose a permission profile from the drop down (click View profile details to see the permissions for the chosen profile)

3. Click Add in the bottom right corner to save the profile and you'll be taken back to the list of all users.

To view or or edit a user, click the username. To return to the main users page, click the Manage Users breadcrumb in the top left corner of the page.

Change History

With several users able to access and modify one account, the Change History log has been added so that you can track changes by user.

On the Change History tab, all changes to the account are listed; each listing includes username the person who made the change, the type of change that was made and the date of the change. The log can be ordered by any of the column headings and filtered by date.


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