Push multiple domains to another reseller

The bulk actions tool can move or push multiple domains to another reseller account in one request.
Important: The domain push feature is disabled by default and must be enabled by OpenSRS.

The domain push process involves two steps. First, the gaining reseller has to authorize the losing reseller to push domains to their account. Once this step is done, the losing reseller can push domains to the other account.

Authorize losing reseller to push domains

This feature is currently only available through the Classic Reseller Interface.

  1. In the Classic Reseller Interface, click on Transfer management, and then select Push domain settings.
  2. In the text field, enter the username of the losing reseller, which is authorized to push domains to the gaining reseller and click Add reseller

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Push domains to the gaining reseller account

  1. In the Domains section of the Reseller Control Panel, click the boxes to select the domains that you want to transfer to another reseller. If you would like to enter a list of domains rather than selecting individual domains, proceed to step 2 without selecting any domains. 
  2. From the Bulk actions drop-down list, select Move to another reseller option.
  3. In the Gaining reseller's username field, enter the username of the reseller to whom you want to transfer the selected domains.
  4. In the Select user account options section, click the appropriate button to determine whether each of the selected domains will be set up in its own profile or added to an existing profile when they are transferred to the other Reseller.
    • If you select Put accounts into an existing profile, the selected domains will be moved into an existing profile that the gaining reseller owns, and you need to enter the Domain, Username, and Password of the profile.
    • If you select Create new profile for each domain, a new registrant profile will be created for the domain in the gaining reseller's account.
  5. Optionally, select Apply to locked domains.
    • If you select this option when you submit the bulk job, locked domains are unlocked, the changes are made, and then the domains are locked again.
    • If you do not select this option, the changes will not be applied to any domains that are locked, and you need to review the bulk actions queue to view the results.
  6. Optionally, in the Email results to field, enter the email address to which you want the results to be mailed.
  7. Click Move domain.

There is no undo for this operation, so be very careful when selecting the domains to include in the bulk job. Once you submit the bulk job, it might be possible to cancel the job in the bulk actions queue; however, any domains that have already been processed cannot be retrieved. 

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