How to add SAN(s) to an existing SSL certificate

SAN (Subject Alternative Name) an additional domain that can be protected by a single certificate.

Certificates that offer SAN support are convenient for users that plan to secure multiple domains. However, not all SSL products support SAN. The products that do support SAN and their associated costs can be sorted from our pricing page by clicking on the SAN support heading. NOTE: This article is not relevant for QuickSSL premium with SAN. 

San support differs from wildcard certificates as wildcard support is restricted to protecting multiple sub-domains of a single domain. Here is a detailed description on the differences between wildcard and SAN certificates along with the unique QuickSSL premium with SAN certificate. 

Here`s a summary of the steps involved for adding a SAN:

1.  Generate a new CSR

2.  Access the user portal

3.  Reissue Certificate from the user portal

4.  Contact support


1. Generate a new CSR/private key pair 

Anytime a SAN is added to an existing cert, a new CSR is required.  The CSR must contain all the existing as well as new SANs. Consult your server manual for instructions on how to add SANs to the CSR.  The common name for the CSR must be the same as the original certificate.  


2. Access the supplier user portal:  

Please see the certificate reissue article for details on how to gain access to this portal. 


3. Reissue Certificate from the user portal 

- Click Reissue Certificate which will take you to the section displayed below. 

- Click Redeem under Edit & Add Additional Domains

Enter the CSR created in  Step 1 along with the SAN(s) that will be added.


4. Contact Support

Now that the reissue has been submitted from the supplier user portal, send a message to [email protected] with the following information:

Reseller username:

Supplier order ID: 

Common name:

The order will not be completed until OpenSRS support is notified.  Support will charge for the additional SAN based on the price listed on the pricing page.  You do not need to contact support if the total number of SAN does not change (i.e. you replaced one SAN with a different one).

Note: Certificates with Common Names or SANs that include an IP address are not supported at this time.  


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