The Bulk Tools allow you to create, modify, or delete multiple users.


Bulk tools in the Control Panel

To generate a bulk action job in the Control Panel

1.  In the Email section of the Control Panel, click the Email Domains tab.

2. In the Quick filter text box, enter all or part of the domain name for which you want to search, and then click Search.

3. Click the domain you want to edit, and then click the Bulk Tools tab.

4. Click the button beside the type of bulk action that you want to perform: Migrate Users, Bulk Add, Bulk Modify, or Bulk Delete.

5. Complete the relevant fields, and then click Submit.


Migrating Users

Migrate Users

  • Job Name—Enter a unique job name. If this field is left blank, a system-generated numeric name will be used.

Source Server

  • Server Hostname—The hostname or IP address from which you are migrating mail.
  • Server Protocol—From the drop-down list, choose the mail retrieval protocol that will be used to migrate the user messages.
    If you choose Auto, the system will migrate the Inbox via POP3, and other folders via IMAP4. If you have POP users, you should choose Auto.
    The Inbox will migrate more quickly with IMAP4 than POP3, so we recommend that you submit the POP3 users in one job using Auto and submit the other users in another job using IMAP4.
  • Server Ports—The ports to which you will be connecting.
    For Auto, the ports are POP3, POP3s, IMAP4, and IMAP4s. Set this value to 0 to disable the protocol; for the others, just use a single port.
    To add additional ports, click the plus sign at the bottom of the list.


  • Folders to Skip—Specify any folders that you want to ignore while migrating.
    Note: This section is optional, and doesn't apply to POP3 users as folders are not migrated from POP3.
  • Translate Folder Name—Enter the source and destination folder names, if they are not the same.To display additional fields, click the plus sign at the bottom of the list.


  • List of users and passwords—Enter a delimited list of the source and destination users and passwords. Use the format source_username,source_password[,local_username]
    If the usernames contain commas, use something else as a deliminator.

Adding users

Bulk Add

  • Delimited list—Enter the account information in the text area.
    Use the format: username,type,password[,reject_spam,name,workgroup,forward_recipients,aliases]
    • username—Email address you want to create
    • type—The type of mailbox that you want to create: mailbox,forward, or filter.
    • password—The initial password that you will share with the user. Can be prefixed with {MD5} or {CRYPT} if already encrypted.
    • reject_spam—Enter true or false. If you want the user to not have a quarantine, and instead just have their spam rejected, enter true.
    • name—The user’s first and last name.
    • workgroup—The workgroup to which the user will be assigned.
    • forward_recipients—Specify the addresses to which mail is forwarded.
    • aliases—Specify any alias addresses.

Modifying users

Bulk Modify

  • Default attributes and values—Enter a comma delimited list of the attribute values that you want to change, for example, language, spamtag, and brand. These values apply to all users by default.
  • User attributes and values—Enter the new values for the attributes that you want to change for the specified users, for example, password, type, name, forward_recipients, aliases, allow, and block. Enter each user on a separate line.

Deleting users

Bulk Delete

  • List of users—Enter the username of each of the users that you want to delete.

Bulk tools in the MAC

To generate a bulk action job in the MAC

1. Log in to the Mail Administration Console (MAC).
For more information, see "What is the MAC?"

2. In the navigation pane, under Tools, click Bulk Action.

3. From the drop-down box, choose the type of bulk action that you want to perform: Add, Delete, or Modify.

4. Enter the account information in the text area.
To help you to enter the data in the correct format, the required syntax for the data is displayed

5. Click Process.


Any account-specific information such as allow and block lists must still be added via the Users section.

Data Requirements

Syntax: One line per account. [ ] indicates an optional field:

Account type Syntax
Mailbox [email protected],mailbox,[password],[T/F (reject spam)],[name],workgroup,[forward_email1:forward_email2... ],[alias1:alias2... ]
Filter [email protected],filter,[password],[T/F (reject spam)],[name],workgroup,null,[alias1:alias2... ]
Forward [email protected],forward,[password],null,[name],workgroup,forward_email1[:forward_email2... ],[alias1:alias2... ]
Alias [email protected],alias,null,null,null,null,null,workgroup,alias_target_email


Data type Explanation
[email protected] Email address you want to create.
mailbox_type The type of mailbox that you want to create: mailbox,forward, or filter.
password The initial password that you will share with the user. Can be prefixed with {MD5} or {CRYPT} if already encrypted.
T/F (reject spam) If you want the user to not have a quarantine, and instead just have their spam rejected, enter T.
name The user's first and last name.
workgroup If you want to have groups of users, and be able to create domain administrators for those subgroups, organize your users into workgroups (this generally applies to large corporate customers).
forward_email, alias target email, etc. Based on the mailbox type, assign a corresponding email address. For example, if it is a forward, where is it forwarding to? If it is an alias, what is the real account name?


[email protected],mailbox,fredpass123,F,Freddie,Jones,staff,
[email protected],mailbox,secret123,F,T,Franz,Kafka,staff,[email protected]
[email protected],mailbox,pass123,T,Spam,Bouncer,staff,
[email protected],filter,luggage1234,F,Normal,Filteronly,staff,
[email protected],mailbox,porsche,T,NoSpam,Filteronly,staff,
[email protected],forward,,,,staff,[email protected]
[email protected],mailbox,secret123,F,Burt
Bacharat,staff,,[email protected]:[email protected]
[email protected],alias,,,,,staff,[email protected]
[email protected],alias,,,,,staff,[email protected]


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