Purchase Code Signing Certificates

Code signing certificates are different from other certificates in that they validate software, rather than a website.  The Certificate Signing Request is generated for your computer (the one you will use to sign the code) rather than the server as in SSL certificates.

Most Trust Service products follow the process outlined here.

How to order

Both Symantec and Thawte Code Signing Certificates are available to registrants.  To purchase a code signing certificate you must have a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) generated for the computer you used to compile the code.

1. Log into the Resellers Control Panel and choose Trust.

2. Select the provider and type of certificate.

3. Fill in contact information.

4. Under Certificate Settings, select the type of certificate you need (the one that is compatible with the code you want to sign).

5. Paste your CSR in the field provided (see below for how to generate your CSR), and add any necessary information in the Special Instructions field.

6. Click Add Service.

Generating your CSR for Code Signing Certificates

1. Launch OpenSSL:


Through cmd run the command:



Launch Terminal and then run the openssl command.

2. Generate the certificate signing request:

req -out CSR.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout privateKey.key

3. Enter the correct information for each field and hit enter:

Country code: The two-letter International Organization for Standardization (ISO) format country code for where your organization is legally registered

State/province: Name of state or province where your organization is located — do not abbreviate.

Locality: Name of the city in which your organization is registered/located — do not abbreviate.

Organization name: The full legal name of your organization

Organizational unit: (Optional) The name of your department in the organization

Common Name: The full legal name of your organization

Email Address: Your email address

A challenge password: Leave blank

An optional company name: Leave blank

4. The certificate will be available in the directory where you installed the application (CSR.csr).  Open it in a text editor to have it available for purchasing your certificate.

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