.RU Domain Policies

RU is the country code TLD for Russia.

Registration details

Registration details can be found in the TLD reference chart

Domain Registrations

.RU registrations are synchronous and are completed in real-time. .COM.RU registrations are processed asynchronously and may take several business days for processing. We recommend using event notification polling to track when .com.ru registrations and renewals complete.

OpenSRS does not validate registrant information, nor confirm identity based on information provided. Reg.ru and/or RU-Center may conduct reviews of identity information submitted by a registrant.

When an organization is the registrant, it’s very important that the full legal name of the organization be submitted (sucha s including LLC at the end of the name, or whatever identifier is used in the name). Not doing so could also trigger a validation process.

API Considerations

  • Additional parameters are required, as noted on our API guide.
  • Contact Required: Owner, Billing, Tech


Renewals are not allowed within three days to expiration. Domains are automatically set to auto-renew on initial registration. To allow a .ru domain to expire, you must remove the auto-renew flag prior to 34 days to expiry.


Transfers in of .RU domains are not currently supported. 

Ownership Changes

Ownership changes are currently not supported on this TLD at OpenSRS. 



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