.CO domain policies

.CO is the country code TLD for Colombia. Colombia has made their name space available to any interested registrants, regardless of residency.

In addition to second level .CO names, OpenSRS offers domain name registrations for the following third level domains: .COM.CO, .NET.CO, and .NOM.CO.

Registration details

Registration details can be found in the TLD reference chart


.CO domains may be renewed at any time, but the total term cannot exceed 5 years.

Suspension period

When a domain expires, it enters a suspension period  and the domain is re-delegated to a .CO Registry suspension page. The expired domain remains in a suspended state for up to 45 days during which time, the domain may be renewed for the regular renewal fee, in which case, the domain's original nameservers are restored.

The domain can be updated or deleted while in the suspension period.

After 45 days of suspension, if the domain has not been explicitly deleted or renewed, the domain will be auto-renewed and original nameservers will be restored. A 5 day (120 hours) Renew and Auto-Renew Grace period is granted and will result in a reversal of the renewal charge.

Domains that are deleted prior to the expiration date do not go into the suspension period; instead, they immediately enter the Restore Grace Period.

Restore Grace Period

After the 50 day suspension period, or after any delete, if the domain has not been renewed, it enters the Restore Grace Period, which lasts for 15 days. The domain may be restored during this period for a restore fee plus a renewal fee.

If the domain is not renewed during the 15 day Restore Grace Period, the domain is held in pendingDelete status for an additional five days, after which is deleted by the registry.


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