.COOP domain policies

.COOP is a top-level domain operated by DotCooperation LLC (dotCoop).

Registration details

Registration details can be found in the TLD reference chart.


Eligible registrants must be one of the following:

  • an organization formed as and/or considered cooperatives under applicable local law;
  • an association comprised of cooperatives;
  • an organization that is committed to the seven cooperative principles;
  • an organization that is majority controlled by cooperatives; or,
  • an entity whose operations are principally dedicated to serving cooperatives.

The registry will validate the registrant after processing registration of the domain.  The registry will send a validation email to the registrant, placing the domain on Hold status.  The registrant has 30 days to complete validation.  Once the registrant is validated, Hold status is removed and the domain is activated.  If the registrant does not complete validation, the domain is deleted and no refund is provided.  Domains that have been previously validated via the CVC do not have to be validated again.  

The validation process takes approximately 5 days under normal circumstances.  To check validation status, contact the registry.


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