Contact privacy service

The contact privacy service hides the identity of a registrant for public WhoIs lookups on the domain. With contact privacy enabled, masked WhoIs contact information appears in the public WhoIs database and is used in our gated WhoIs.

Contact privacy overview

Instead of displaying the registrant's email address, the WhoIs lookup displays a placeholder in the format of [email protected]. Messages sent to this email address receive an auto-reply with details on the service and a link to the portal. 
Note: Only domains in your reseller account can be set up for contact privacy.

Contact privacy may be enabled for a domain at any time. Contact privacy expires at the same time as the domain name. The cost of all years of the Contact privacy subscription is due when the service is added when the domain is set to auto-renew the contact privacy auto-renews at the same time.

Note: When the domain's expiry date is 45 days or more from the date contact privacy is enabled, you are charged for a full year.  

If contact privacy is disabled and the domain is still active, the complete registration records are sent to the registry. When the domain is deleted, the contact privacy service must be disabled so that renewal messages are not sent to the registrant listed in the WhoIs record since they no longer own the domain.

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Contact privacy web portal

The contact privacy portal sends a message to the contact on file for the domain name as an email attachment in text format. Any single contact or all contacts can be selected. A from address, subject, and message body in text format will be sent to the registration records selected. 

Sending a message with contact privacy

To send a message to users subscribed to contact privacy, visit the website and complete the required form. A message is passed onto the owner, admin, billing, tech or all contacts simultaneously.
Note: domain name contacts are not obligated to respond to requests.

  1. Visit the contact privacy portal.
  2. Enter the domain name and click Submit.
  3. Choose the contact who is receiving the message from the contact drop-down.
  4. Enter the sender address in the from (email address) field.
  5. Provide the subject of the message in the subject field.
  6. Type the message in the message field. 
  7. Complete the captcha and hit the Submit button.

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Enabling contact privacy

Contact privacy can be enabled anytime, including during registration, transfer, or for active domains.

Enabling contact privacy for a new domain

During registration, when contact privacy is available for the TLD, the registration form's domain settings section includes an option to enable contact privacy. 
Note: Contact Privacy services for .NAME registrations can only be enabled five days after registration.

  1. Click the checkmark box beside contact Privacy in the domain settings section of the registration form.
  2. Complete and submit the remainder of the domain registration form.

Enabling contact privacy for an existing domain

  1. In the Domains section of the Reseller Control Panel (RCP), in the text field, enter all or part of the domain name or the admin email for which you want to search, and then click Search
  2. Click a domain name to view information for that domain.
  3. Toggle the contact privacy switch to active from the domain settings section.
  4. Confirm the charge for contact privacy and select Save.

Enabling contact privacy when transferring a domain

You can add contact privacy to a domain during the transfer-in process. In the domain settings section of the transfer form, click to add a checkmark in the box beside contact privacy to enable this service. The cost for contact privacy is displayed here.

Contact privacy is enabled once the transfer process completes.

Enabling or disabling contact privacy for multiple domains

You can use the bulk change tools to enable or disable contact privacy for multiple domains in a single request.
Important: There is no undo for this operation.

  1. In the RCP Domains section, click the boxes to put a checkmark next to each of the domains for which you want to enable or disable contact privacy.
  2. From the Bulk actions drop-down list, select Change contact privacy.
  3. In the contact privacy section, choose Enable to enable contact privacy for the selected domains, or choose Disable to disable contact privacy.
  4. Verify the charge and then in the email results to field, enter the email address to receive notifications about the bulk request.
  5. Click Save contact privacy.

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Disabling contact privacy

The contact privacy service is non-refundable. When you cancel contact privacy, a refund is not provided.

  1. In the RCP Domains section, in the text field, enter the domain name or the admin email and then click the search button.
  2. Select a domain name to view information for that domain.
  3. Toggle the contact privacy switch from the domain settings section.

Viewing domains with contact privacy

To view a list of all domains with contact privacy enabled:

  1. In the Domains section of the RCP, click Advanced filters.
  2. Place a checkmark in the On box under contact privacy.
  3. Click Apply filters.

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