.ASIA is the TLD for Asia, and is regulated by the Afilias registry.
Registration details
Registration details can be found in the TLD reference chart.
Reserved names
There are certain names that are not available for registration. Consistent with ICANN procedures, all one and two-character country codes are reserved from registration. In addition, the following restrictions apply to .ASIA domain names:
- Minimum length for the second level domain name is three characters.
- Maximum name length (excluding "http://www" and ".ASIA") is 63 characters.
- Hyphens cannot be used for the first or last character of the second level domain name. As well, hyphens (-) cannot be used as both the third and fourth character.
- Spaces and special characters (for example, !, $, &) are not permitted.
The following names are reserved at the second level and at all other levels within the TLD at which Registry Operator makes registrations:
ICANN-related names:
- aso
- gnso
- icann
- internic
- ccnso
IANA-related names:
- afrinic
- apnic
- arin
- example
- gtld-servers
- iab
- iana
- iana-servers
- iesg
- ietf
- irtf
- istf
- lacnic
- latnic
- rtc-editor
- ripe
- root-servers
The following names are reserved for use in connection with the operation of the registry for the Registry TLD:
- nic
- whois
- www
Charter Eligibility Declaration
As of July 15th 2017 CED is no longer required when registering .asia domains. Resellers may continue to provide CED Contact details but this information will be ignored.
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