Usage statistics are summaries of account usage and are displayed as graphs. Statistics are available at the company, domain, and user levels, and can be viewed as a summary in graphical format, or as detailed snapshots in CSV format.
Snapshots provide very detailed information about every user in a domain or company for a specific time period, for example, the account type, the quota size, the number of times the account was accessed, and the number of messages currently in the account. Snapshots are available at the Company and Domain levels and can be downloaded in CSV format or emailed daily to one or more email addresses.
Viewing statistics in the Control Panel
To view statistics in the Control Panel
1. In the Email section of the Control Panel, navigate to the company or domain whose statistics you want to view, and then click the Analytics tab.
2. From the User drop-down list, choose the type of data that you want to view:
- Users—Mailboxes, forward only/mailing list, filter only, and alias.
- Logins—POP3, IMAP4, and Webmail.
- Message Bytes—Inbound and relayed email, in KBs.
- Message Counts—Normal deliveries, spam deliveries, autoresponses, forwards, destination recipients, and outbound messages.
- Storage—Storage used in MBs.
3. Choose the interval that you want to view: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
The graph displays the data that matches your selections.
Viewing snapshots in the Control Panel
To view snapshots in the Control Panel:
- In the Email section of the Control Panel, navigate to the company or domain whose statistics you want to view, and then click the Analytics tab.
- Choose the interval that you want to view: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
- From the Choose snapshot to download drop-down list, choose the period that you want to view.
- The data is downloaded to a CSV file.
Viewing statistics in the MAC
To view statistics in the MAC:
- Log in to the Mail Administration Console (MAC).
- Navigate to the domain or company whose stats you want to view, and then click the Stats tab.
- From the Interval drop-down list choose the time period that you want to view: day, week, or month.
- From the Graph Type drop-down list choose the type of data that you want to view:
- Users—Mailboxes, forward only/mailing list, filter only, and alias.
- Logins—POP3, IMAP4, and Webmail.
- Message Bytes—Inbound and relayed email, in KBs.
- Message Counts—Normal deliveries, spam deliveries, autoresponses, forwards, destination recipients, and outbound messages.
- Storage—Storage used in MBs.
Viewing snapshots in the MAC
To view snapshots in the MAC
- Log in to the Mail Administration Console (MAC).
- Navigate to the domain or company whose stats you want to view, and then click the Stats tab.
- From the Download CSV data drop-down list, choose the period that you want to view from the Daily Snapshots, Weekly Snapshots, or Monthly Snapshots section.
The data is downloaded to a CSV file. - To have daily domain snapshots emailed to one or more addresses, click the Settings tab, and in the Basic Settings section, enter the addresses in the Stats Mailout text field (separate each address with a comma), and then click Update.
Note: We do not recommend daily snapshots for large domains as the snapshot file may exceed the message size allowed by many SMTP servers.
Notes on snapshots
- Daily snapshots are generated for the previous day; daily snapshots expire after 31 days.
- Weekly snapshots are generated each Monday for the previous week; weekly snapshots expire after 1 year.
- Monthly snapshots are generated on the 1st of the month for the previous month; monthly snapshots never expire.
- Weekly and monthly snapshots contain per-day averages for usage-based statistics (number of messages received). To get the total for the week or month, simply multiply the per day average by the number of days in the period.
- For some values, the weekly and monthly snapshots just contain the last state of the mailbox (for example, if a mailbox was forwarded on the 30th, the monthly snapshot will show it in a forwarding state).
Snapshot data fields
The fields in the snapshot CSV files are as follows:
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