.LAW/.ABOGADO is a gTLD exclusively for accredited lawyers and Authorized Legal Institutions.
Registration details
Registration details can be found in the TLD reference chart.
Registration requirements
To register a .LAW/.ABOGADO domain, the registrant must provide information proving they are a Qualified Lawyer or an Authorized Legal Institution (ie. Law Firms, Law Schools, Legal Regulators, etc):
Accreditation ID
The qualified lawyer’s accreditation ID is a character string issued by the accreditation body to the qualified lawyer. Accreditation IDs uniquely identify the qualified lawyer within the context of the accreditation body. An accreditation ID is required.
Accreditation Body
The accreditation body is the entity that issued the accreditation ID to the qualified lawyer. Within the Qualified Lawyer extension, a character string is used to represent an accreditation body. The accreditation body is required.
Accreditation Jurisdiction Country
The accreditation jurisdiction country is the country in which the accreditation body certifies the qualified lawyer. ISO two-letter country codes are used to represent the accreditation jurisdiction country. The accreditation jurisdiction country is required.
Accreditation Jurisdiction State/Province
The accreditation jurisdiction state/province is the specific region, within the accreditation jurisdiction country, in which the accreditation body certifies the qualified lawyer. A character string represents the region. The accreditation jurisdiction is required when the accrediting body limits the qualified lawyer’s certification to this area.
Accreditation Year
A qualified lawyer’s accreditation year is the year he/she was initially certified by the accreditation body. It is represented by a four-digit year including the century.
Additional information can be found here.
Validation Procedures
If the registry is unable to verify the provided information, they will reach out to the registrant of the domain from support@verification.law. The reseller of the domain should contact our support team if any information on the order needs to be updated. Once this information has been updated at OpenSRS, the registrant of the domain should contact support@verification.law to confirm the change and complete the registration. All communication with support@verification.law should be from the registrant rather than the reseller. *Updated as of Aug 2/16* - Validation will now occur post registration and the domain will be available for use immediately.
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