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Basic troubleshooting guide for Hosted Email

Common troubleshooting steps for finding and fixing email issues in the Reseller Control Panel (RCP) or Mail Access Console (MAC), after verifying that there is no interruption on the OpenSRS Statuspage.

Webmail access troubleshooting

RCP interface

Verifying access via the Reseller Control Panel (RCP)

  1. Verify that the mailbox still exists, then click the mailbox.
  2. Under the user's mailbox overview section, ensure the mailbox is not undergoing maintenance.
  3. Verify the webmail access status is enabled. Find this in the RCP under the webmail section.
  4. Verify the password via the password check tool. The tool is located under the user's actions drop-down menu in the RCP. 
  5. Attempt to access the mailbox via email token.

MAC interface

Verifying access via the Mail Admin Console (MAC)

  1. Verify that the mailbox still exists.
  2. Ensure the mailbox is not currently undergoing maintenance. This setting is in the MAC under the user's basic settings section.

  3. Verify the webmail access status is enabled. Find this in the MAC under the user's sending & receiving section.
  4. Verify the password via the password check tool. The tool is located in the MAC under the user's tools & status section. 
  5. Attempt to access the mailbox via email token.

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Receiving troubleshooting 

RCP interface

  1. Verify that the domain is still active and has not expired or is under suspension
  2. Check to ensure the required MX record is publicly available. Without an MX record, messages cannot route to the domain.
  3. Check for the sender/return-path address on the blocklist.blockedlist_RCP.JPG

  4. Check if receiving has been disabled. The receive mail setting is under the user's sending & receiving section in the RCP. RCP_send_receive.JPG

MAC interface

  1. Verify that the domain is still active and has not expired or is under suspension
  2. Check to ensure the required MX record is publicly available. Without an MX record, messages cannot route to the domain.
  3. Check for the sender/return-path address on the blocklist.MAC_blocklist.JPG

  4. Check if receiving has been disabled. The receive mail setting is under the user's sending & receiving section in the MAC. MAC_send_receive.JPG

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Sending troubleshooting

RCP interface

  1.  Check the status of the email account and domain. Users cannot send when suspended for Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) violations
  2. Check their sending availability to ensure the user has not reached their limit. The limit is located in the RCP under the user's mailbox overview section.RCP_send_receive.JPG
  3. When using a mail client, verify the client configuration settings are correct.
  4. Use an email token to replicate the issue on an alternate device.
  5. Review bounce messages for errors that may contain additional details. 

MAC interface

  1. Check the status of the email account and domain. Users cannot send when suspended for Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) violations
  2. Check their sending availability to ensure the user has not reached their limit. The limit is located in the MAC under the user's tools & settings section.MAC_send_receive.JPG
  3. When using a mail client, verify the client configuration settings are correct.
  4. Use an email token to replicate the issue on an alternate device.
  5. Review bounce messages for errors that may contain additional details.

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Common SMTP error messages

501 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax. This issue is on the client-side. It's possible a change was made to their internal network or firewall or their local ISP.
521  The server does not accept mail.
530 5.7.1  The client was not authenticated/password error.
535  SMTP error authentication failed. Usually, the current login timed out, and logging in new resolves the issue.
550  Requested action not taken. The mailbox may be unavailable, not found/with no access, or the command rejected for policy reasons.
550 5.7.26 Domain-level security settings must be checked. This error is commonly found when failing to deliver to Gmail.
551  The mail host is on the domain's block list.
552  Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation.
553 The command was aborted because the mailbox name was invalid. In this case, the mailbox was unable to verify the email address.
554 5.3.4  Message too big for the system.

Delivery error: Sorry, your message cannot be delivered. This mailbox is disabled. Check the email address and try again.

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