The view orders section of the Reseller Web Interface (RWI), allows resellers to view listed domains and manage order details based on order status or transfer progress.
Viewing orders
Links in the view orders section include the number of current orders for the respective status.
Each page in this section allows you to submit one or multiple orders. Click the checkbox to the right of the name to select an action. To submit the selected commands, hit the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
Pending orders
The view pending orders page allows resellers to see which orders are waiting for your review. When an order fails for any reason, it moves into this section. Orders listed as draft status in the Reseller Control Panel are listed here. Our system cancels orders that are pending after 30 days of inactivity.
Note: Pre-orders for new gTLDs save here and process automatically upon general availability.
Review order details, including any notes, by clicking the respective domain name.
This status works with the API and third-party modules, allowing end-users to submit orders that require final review before completion.
Orders in progress
The orders in progress page allows you to view in-progress domain registrations, transfers, and renewals. Orders in progress can include new domains from asynchronous registries or transfers.
Note: Synchronous registrations do not appear here as they processed in real-time.
Clicking the domain name will provide the full details of the order.
.DE DNS activations
The .DE DNS activations page provides resellers with the ability to resubmit nameservers for finalizing activation if needed. Nameservers used in an order must be active; this tool enables resellers to resubmit once the nameservers are valid.
Resubmit name servers using the activate checkbox and Submit button.
Note: The status will show as failed until DENIC accepts the nameservers.Back to top
Declined orders
Clicking view declined orders allows resellers to review and resubmit orders that are rejected by the registry or cancelled during the transfer process. Clicking the domain names provides the details for the respective orders.
Completed orders
The view completed orders page allows you to view domain orders, transfers, and renewals that are complete.
Clicking the domain name displays the order details. Click View charges to display a list of all charges related to the domain.
Searching for domain orders
The search reg system orders page allows resellers to search for a domain order based on an RWI order ID or specific order criteria.
Viewing transfers
The view transfers section allows you to view transfer requests according to their status.
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