Storefront Manager

Using Default or Custom Nameservers for New Registrations

Using Default or Custom Nameservers for New Registrations New registrations are automatically assigned to our name...

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Storefront Nameservers

A nameserver is an internet server that handles queries about a domain name's services. Nameservers are part of the ...

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Setting up TLD pricing in Storefront Manager

Set standard pricing for all TLDs while allowing customization for individual TLDs. Pricing Overview tab Adjusti...

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Managing domains with Storefront

You can view domain statuses and event logs in Storefront Manager. Managing domains Upon logging in, the first p...

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Creating a DNS Template in Storefront Manager

A DNS Template is a set of DNS records to be automatically applied to new domain registrations. You can create and ...

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Managing customers with Storefront

You can view and manage your customers in Storefront Manager. The Customers tab displays a list of your customers an...

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Viewing orders in Storefront Manager

All your orders can be found on the Storefront Manager Orders page. You can customize views by applying filters. V...

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List of Storefront TLDs currently offered

Storefront TLDs currently offered Resellers can sell these top-level domain extensions (TLDs) through Storefront. ...

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Accessing Storefront Manager

You can log into OpenSRS Storefront using your internet browser on a desktop, a tablet, or a mobile device. Acc...

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Storefront FAQs

With the launch of our new Storefront product, we have compiled the most common questions we feel you may have. St...

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Storefront account management

OpenSRS Storefront is a fully hosted, brandable e-commerce site that lets you start selling domains immediately. Sto...

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Getting started with Storefront

Storefront simplifies domain sales with automated billing and user-friendly domain management tools. Activating St...

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