Register a Domain(s)

Registering domain names through the RWI

The New Domain Lookup textbox in the RWI allows you to check the availability of a domain name and request sug...

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.AU geoTLD launch

.AU is the new geoTLD for Australia and is administered by auDA, the Australian Domain Name Administrator. As of Thu...

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Purchasing an aftermarket premium domain

Aftermarket premium domains are in-demand, highly valuable domains that are already registered by someone. The curre...

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Register a domain name through the control panel

The domains section of the Reseller Control Panel (RCP) allows you to check the availability of a domain n...

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Specifying the gTLDs and ccTLDs to display in availability search results

We don't automatically search across all gTLDs and ccTLDs by default in either the RWI or the Control Panel. You can...

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Internationalized domain name registrations

Internationalized domain names (IDNs) allow you to use local language characters, such as an umlaut over a lette...

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Complete bulk registrations in the resellers control panel

Multiple domains can now be registered at once in the Resellers Control Panel using a comma-delimited (.csv) file...

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