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Manage Email Accounts

Viewing Email user account statistics

Usage statistics are summaries of account usage and are displayed as graphs. Statistics are available can ...

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Manage email workgroups

Workgroups are useful for organizing users into categories. Viewing workgroups in the...

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Modify domain-level email settings

You can modify the email settings for a particular domain in the Control Panel or in the MAC To modi...

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Setting the FilterMX host

Please note: Users with standard Mailbox accounts, are not required to set up a FilterMX host. This is only ne...

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Disable or enable an email domain

Company administrators can disable or enable domains unless a super admin has disabled the domain. If a higher...

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Restore a deleted email domain

Company administrators can restore any domains that have been deleted within the last 30 days. Once you ...

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Email Company and Domain statistics and snapshots

Usage statistics are summaries of account usage and are displayed as graphs. Statistics are available at the c...

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Manage company contacts

In the Control Panel or in the MAC you can add, modify, or delete company contacts and specify the type of...

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Manage email administrators in the control panel

Email administrators are users that have a higher access level to manage email accounts. Email administrator rol...

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Log out of a user's account

With POP3, you can only have a single connection to the server. If one is active, an additional  POP3 or IMAP4...

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How to Login to a User Accounts Using Login Tokens

Login tokens can be used to allow your support staff to log in to end-user mailboxes without knowing the passw...

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Restore deleted Address Book contacts

Deleted Address Book contacts can be restored if they were deleted within the last 14 days. Additionally...

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